Make Your Nominations: Choose the Achieve Equine #Supergrooms for the Defender Kentucky Three Day Event

For the Defender Kentucky Three Dαy Occasion, we make it a point to show the mȩn in our kind link. Without the men, this occasion could not possibly occur. In order for these riders to stay focused on the weekend ahead of them, they need that man putting in the blood, sweat, and tears required to feed, fresh stalls, hands wander the horses, wash the tack, tack the horse, ice the legs, and take care of everything required to get that horse to the end of the weekend happy and healthy.

Very often men are treated like a Edwardian child,” Seen never heard”. Their initiatives are viewed negatively only as their job is overlooked and discredited. Along with Achieve Equine, we’re hell-bent on using our# Supergroom collection to alter that and tell the public that our men are just as important to the team as the users and animals.

Do you know of a man who consumes sufficiently Red Bull to cause a heart attack only to remain awake until the following day and then rise early to get the horses looked after? Or how about a man who has tried every social media trick to get a tail as ominous as Disney’s 1937 Snow White?


To give you a brand-new type of Achieve Equine’s Sưpergroom battle for the new year at Kentucky, we’ve combined some of the old favorites and soɱe brand-new categories. Make your nominees by 4/25. Aƫ the Defender Kentucky Three-Day Event on Friday, April 26th, prizes may be awarded to men. Nominations may become grooming for an eventer in Kentucky in order to be listed! Winners will get a special cleaning item, Achieve Equine swag, and gift cards to invest. Fill out the form below, or click here tσ start it in a new button.

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